Manfred Doepp

Co-founder and Deputy President of DGEIM

Born in Bad Berleburg/Germany. Medical studies in Munich and Giessen, exams and doctoratein 1971. Scientific assistant at the clinical centre of the Justus Liebig Universityat Giessenuntil 1978. Senior physician for nuclearmedicine at the clinical centre in Hanau until 1985. Founder of the "International Institute for ExperientialMedicine";Founder of the "Diagnostic Centre for MineralAnalysis and Spectroscopy DCMS. From 2011 to 2018 Head Physician of the QuantisanaHealth Centre for Holistic Diagnostics and Therapy in CH9404 Rorschacherberg. Since 2018 Head of the HolisticCenter in CH9030 Abtwil. Many oral and written publications in the field of complementary and energymedicine. Manyvideos on Youtube, Google and complementaryportals. Reviewer of international journals. Co-founder and Deputy Presidentof DGEIM (German Society forEnergetic and Information Medicine, Stuttgart Book author: Harmonyis Life and Health ofthe Body, 1988; Medicine of the Sermon on the Mount, 1999 and 2009; Energy and Cosmos, 2008; Understanding Healing, 2014. Mobile: 0041 79 924 00 8