Rosaria Iardino

University of Pavia

Rosaria Iardino, 58 years old, living in Milan (graduated in Government and Public Policy at the University of Pavia, where she also teaches Health Law) is the President of The Bridge Foundation. The Foundation acts as an intermediary between institutions and patients' associations, scientific and social research societies, academia, the clinical world and industry. Its role is to facilitate a correct dialogue, acting as a guarantor of respect for fundamental and inalienable values: universalism, equity, responsible innovation, sustainability, awareness of diversity, inclusion and pluralism. She is a journalist, a member of the Board of EUPHA (European Public Health Association) and a member of the Ethics Committee of the Italian Higher Institute of Health. Her experience in the field of sustainable and universalistic health policies has enabled her to gain a wide range of experience both nationally and internationally, and she has become a point of reference in the field of health and social interventions.