Mosad Zineldin

Linnaeus University

Dr. Mosad Zineldin is a Professor at Faculty of Health and Life Sciences-Medicine and Optometry institution. Linnaeus University- Sweden. Grounder of ACRC (Academic Center for Research and Consultancy) in Sweden, He have a multidisciplinary background in Health Science, Phycology,community health, Psychiatry, Medical and Quality studies. Taught at Stockholm University for many years. He is supervisor of degree projects for medical students. Had leading positions at Linnaeus and Stockholm universities in Sweden. Editor in Chief and Associate Editor of several Psychology and Psychiatry international Journals. Wrote and published several books and over 100 articles in many different international journals. He has invented new concepts, models and theories related to medical and health sciences.
His latest major research interests and publications are on Cognitive and Bran Reserve Interventions to reduce the risk of Dementia; Preventive medicine and Divorce on Physical and Mental Health; Brain Arteriovenous Malformations (BAVMs) and Endovascular Catheter Embolization; e-health and digitalization of medical and health education.
Latest publications:
1. The Effect of Integrated Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on ClinicalDecision Making for Patients with Depression and Anxiety 2. Neurological Implications and Mental Health of COVID-19
3. The Impact of Divorce on Physical and Mental Health;
4. Correlation Between COVID-19 Pandemic, Emotion Intelligence and Depression;
5. Neurological Implications and Mental Health of COVID-19